Ogre History and Art Museum

Ogre, Brivibas street 36, LV-5001

e-mail: [email protected]

Phone: 65024345

Ilze Zariņa – director

                    Phone: 65022251

                    E-mail: ilze.zariņ[email protected]

Ritvars Jansons – deputy director of scientific work 

                    Phone: 65024345

                    E-mail: [email protected]

Elīna Cērpa – deputy director of development

                    Phone: 65024345

                    E-pasts: [email protected]

Agra Vavere – chief curator of collection

                    Phone: 65022259

                    E-mail: agra.vavere@ogresnovads.lv

Inese Dreimane – specialist in historical issues

                    Phone: 65024345

                    E-mail: inese[email protected]

Ieva Špakovska – administrator of exposition and exhibition halls

                    Phone: 65024345

                    e-mail: ieva[email protected]